Events I organise

In addition to writing books, stories and songs, I organise a few events that embody everything I love and value in this life.

The Festival of Songs (8-15 June in the Czech Republic)

Singing together is one of the great joys of life.

So how about singing together in a church in the middle of a forest?

With freestyle music outside around the fire, music and voice workshops during the day, and a polyphonic choir?


The Festival of Creativity (19-28 July, 2024 in the Czech Republic)

The Road Junky Festival of Creativity began in 2015 as I wanted to make the kind of festival that I would want to go to!

The festival is naturally influenced by Rainbow Gatherings (I attended around 30 of those and wrote a book about them!) and I wanted to take the best of the loving atmosphere, the creativity, the music, the time in nature but without the dogmatic spirituality, hippie exclusivity and poor hygiene!

Everyone who comes to the festival is invited to make a workshop and there’s music around the fire at night often until the morning.

There are no phones, alcohol or drugs and it’s a welcoming atmosphere for people of any age.


The Festival of Sensuality (17-24 August in the Czech Republic)

Everybody has a body that we live inside :)

festival of sensuality


The Festival of Sensuality explores themes of sexuality, relationships, communication, body awareness and all the tools we need to live a more fulfilling sensual life in our bodies…and with the other bodies we meet along the way!

It’s not a spiritual tantra festival, neither is it a kinky convention, bur rather a friendly, gentle space to explore topics and experiences that go to the heart of what it is to be a human.

The Road Junky Sahara Retreats (12-18 January & 9-15 February, 2025 in Morocco)

Since 2011, we’ve been going to Morocco every winter and walking out into the sand dunes of the Sahara Desert for a week of yoga, meditation, dance and storytelling, music around the fire, sharing and life-changing moments.

Initially I thought the Sahara retreats would be an opportunity for travellers to get together to share some tales from the road but it quickly became apparent that it was something much more than that. People came from all areas of life – students, architects, social workers, musicians – all looking for an opportunity to understand their lives in a deeper way.

It’s been such a privilege to watch people’s masks melt away and such beautiful group energies to form where there’s support and encouragement for everyone, moments of pure comedy, deep, authentic sharing that brings us all to tears, and a whole-hearted celebration of life.

While there are workshops on yoga, meditation, voice and movement, there’s no spiritual teaching, no guru – it’s very much up to each person to make sense of the experience on their own terms.