No reason to throw away a great melody just because the words are full of self-pity and pessimism. Just rewrite it…
All of me, I love all of me,
Though I’m proof that no one is perfect,
My teeth are yellow, I’ve got dandruff,
But when I look in the mirror, I look with love,
Say, my ego, is my amigo,
If I didn’t love me how could I ever love you?
I do my best to grow and progress
and that’s why I love all of me,
All of you, I love all of you,
Even the bits I’m not so crazy about,
If I’ve got a problem with someone else,
That’s a problem I’ve got with myself,
All of you, I love all of you,
Because in your eyes I see my reflection,
We’re just two parts of the same heart,
And that’s why I love all of you,
All of me, I love all of me,
Though sometimes I’m hard to live with,
I’m a nightmare first thing in the morning,
I’ve got my demons, I give you fair warning,
All of you, I love all of you,
Because in your eyes I see my reflection,
We’re just two parts of the same heart,
That’s why I love all of you.