I finally managed to write a song about the Rainbow without any irony in it…. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8avP7BmJU0 Thanks to Yasmin for…
You think of a navigator and you picture someone bent over charts and maps, studying a sextant and making longhand…
The strength of character shown here by Sinead O’Connor really blew me away. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4fVxcT00Sc She was due to sing at…
One man’s forlorn message to the world, painted on concrete and lasting for years.
Theo Jansen makes herds of beasts out of plastic tubes that will live their lives on beaches, powered by the wind.
These are some of the songs I’ve written about the rainbow gatherings. When I first started going to rainbows I…
With the wonderful artwork of Daniela Petrozzi, this is my first comic – a voyage through themes of hitchhiking, immigration,…
A story of the trickster god, Loki, and how too much goodness and purity is just asking for trouble.
Although it was ancient wisdom that marriage was joy for a month and misery for a life, yet everyone agreed that Abu Hasan should marry. With a healthy personal fortune, a keen wit and a generous heart, he was quite the most eligible bachelor in Baghdad…
I always loved the melody of the classic jazz song, All of Me, but it was way too self-pitiful so I rewrote it with a positive feel.
Clouds made from giant brains, humans from drops of sweat and the sun and moon desperately trying to outrun ferocious wolves in vain – the vikings easily had the coolest creation story.
The indigenous tribe in the Colombian jungle had no word for ‘to lie’ or ‘to deceive’ and so were tragically ill-equipped to meet the modern world.
Our story concerns a kingdom deep in the Middle Easy, long ago, ruled by an old sultan whose wise and…
There was once born a baby girl so beautiful that one of the nurses screamed in delight, picked her up…
Here I’m filmed talking about 14 years on the road and the long strange trip it’s been to get thoroughly lost on several continents before ever finding the way back home.
1001 Arabian Nights are to the Middle East what Shakespeare is to the English-speaking world. Wild, imaginative, sensual stories that have influenced writers for centuries.
Hitching to India when I was 20 was like a rite of passage, hitting the road with just a loaf of bread, a sleeping bag, a clarinet and a toothbrush, determined to trust in Fate and make my way overland with the gods on my side.
I’m a writer, storyteller and songwriter from England who organises retreats in the Sahara Desert each winter & the Festival of Creativity in the Czech Republic each summer.
More about me…