Here are some of my latest stories to listen to as you’re falling asleep, on a bus or just in the mood for a bit of imaginative storytelling.
I’ll be adding more stories from time to time and eventually make them available to download.
If you like them you can help me out by spreading the word – even just clicking the facebook like button means your friends can enjoy the stories too.
And I’d love to hear what you think about the tales so please comment!
The Wishing Well by tomroadjunky
An old curse: may all your wishes be granted.
The Man Who Fell in Love With the Moon
The most tragic of all love stories.
The Tale of When I Met Father Christmas – the Tramp
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of vodka around an oil can fire?
It takes two to fly, apparently…
The Story of the Dragon Slayers
Your deepest secrets are the worst weapon imaginable.
The Story of Katya and the Moonlight Dancers
A girl in a village in the far north of Russia discovers a terrible secret on the lake on the other side of the hill.
When I was an angry young man I hit the road to leave society behind. In the hills of Pakistan I found a tribe that changed my life forever.
Three demons have a contest to see who can steal what is most important to humanity.
The Inichua – the Amazonian Tribe That Believed Everything by Storiesoftomthumb
A tribe with no word in their language for ‘to lie’ was kicked out of the Colombian jungle by the 50 ear old civil war. I was there when they first arrived in the cities.
I went walking in the desert of Egypt and found some cave paintings that suggested a new perspective on our evolution as a species.
We are what we eat…